
Anne Rose, Madison, WI

Anne Rose, PharmD

Anne Rose, PharmD, is the inpatient Pharmacy Manager for internal medicine and cardiology, manages the Anticoagulation Stewardship Program and Anticoagulation Clinic at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Health System (UW Health). In her current position, she coordinates all anticoagulation related safety, quality, decision support and performance improvement initiatives across UW Health.  Additionally, she is a clinician practicing in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery at UW Health’s University Hospital and in anticoagulation management at the UW Health Anticoagulation Clinic.  In 2011, the Anticoagulation Stewardship Program received the Award for Excellence in Medication-Use Safety from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Research and Education Foundation for pharmacist led initiatives in improving patient care.  In 2015, the Anticoagulation Stewardship Program received the Health-Care Associated Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Champion award by the CDC.

 Dr. Rose received her PharmD from Butler University and completed a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at the Lovell Federal Health Care Center in North Chicago, IL. Dr. Rose has published papers and chapters on anticoagulation stewardship and has been an invited speaker to many national meetings to speak about anticoagulation stewardship.
