Industry Sponsorships and Corporate Partnership

AMGA offers non-provider organizations the opportunity to establish and expand relationships with decision makers from leading medical groups, integrated healthcare delivery systems and IPAs.
Become a Corporate Partner
Our Corporate Partner program offers a collection of benefits that drives brand awareness and keeps your organization connected to leading healthcare leaders year round.
Exhibit at Our Annual Conference and Support Other Meetings
We also offer a unique selection of opportunities to reach your target audience through our conferences and meetings.
Support AMGA Foundation
There are many ways to support AMGA Foundation though donations and partnerships.
Advertise in Publications and Our Website
Our award winning publications offer other avenues to connect with our members and amplify your message.
Engage in Medical Group Leadership Chats
A unique virtual opportunity to have a one-hour meeting with top executives from Member Physician Organizations around the country.
Participate in Our Education Sales Training Program
This one-hour training program can assist your team in understanding the perspectives and priorities of integrated delivery systems and medical groups.