
Frequently Asked Questions
There are three expansion measures (RSV, COVID-19, and hepatitis B) that you can report on. Please complete this form to add one or more of the expansion measures to your data reporting. If you have any questions, please email, or if you would like to speaker to a member of our team to learn more, contact Morgan Drexler at to schedule a meeting.
Yes, groups can advance from Basic to Core track at any time during the campaign. Groups interested in advancing tracks can email for more information.
The measures and reporting process were designed to be as minimally burdensome as possible while still yielding meaningful and robust data. AMGA members that serve on the campaign National Advisory Committee feasibility tested the measures and found the programming to be straightforward. If your organization is concerned about the burden of data reporting, consider reporting data according to the Basic Track, which focuses on fewer measures than the Core Track.
At a minimum, groups who join after the first data report due date should report:
the Measurement Year that the group joined the campaign, and
the Measurement Year prior to joining the campaign, which becomes the Baseline Measurement Year.
However, we encourage groups to report data for the two Baseline Measurement Years (2019 and 2020), the current Measurement Year, and all elapsed Measurement Years prior to joining the campaign. Groups who do so will be able to see how COVID-19 may have impacted their baseline immunization rates while also benchmarking their data with other participating organizations.
To be included in the blinded comparative report for the quarter in which a group joins the campaign, data should be submitted by the due date listed in Table 3 of the Measurement Specifications. Data submitted after the due date will be accepted, but inclusion in the blinded comparative reports will not begin until the next quarter.
No. The campaign only collects aggregate counts of patients, similar to a survey. We are not collecting any patient-level data or Protected Health Information (PHI).
The cells for data entry will be revealed once you complete the below steps:
Enter your organization name in cell E4 of the Data Entry tab
Enter your Track (Basic or Core) in cell E5 of the Data Entry tab